
Andrew Carnegie, Zero to World’s Richest Person — Life and Quotes of Andrew Carnegie

Biography — Story of Andrew Carnegie

The famous American industrialist Andrew Carnegie, known as the Steel King, was one of the richest people of his era. Born in Scotland, Carnegie did not get a school education. At the age of 13, he came to America with dreams of success. First, he worked in a cotton mill in Pennsylvania. He used to receive $1.20 each week. However, he had a dream of success in his mind. So he constantly tried to learn new things and find new opportunities. While learning telegraphy, he got a job as a private secretary and telegraph operator on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Due to his passion for work, constant learning and hard work, he was promoted and became the supervisor of the Petersburg area.

He had a dream of owning his own business. So he saved his money and invested in the Pullman Palace Car Company and the oil sector. He became so rich that he quit his job and started his own steel company. Because of new machines and new technology, Carnegie made so much progress that he opened one company after another. In 1901, he sold his company for $250 million and retired from business.

During his lifetime, Andrew Carnegie donated more than $350 million to organizations working in the fields of education, culture, and peace. Carnegie went from zero to the top. Because of this, he was learning throughout his life and preparing for the future.

Quotes — Motivational Quotes of Andrew Carnegie

Here are 20 quotes by Andrew Carnegie that can inspire you:
1. “”

2. “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”

3. “People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.”

4. “The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled.”

5. “The first man gets the oyster, the second man gets the shell.”

6. “The only irreplaceable capital an organization possesses is the knowledge and ability of its people. The productivity of that capital depends on how effectively people share their competence with those who can use it.”

7. “The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it.”

8. “The secret of success lies not in doing your own work but in recognizing the best person to do it.”

9. “The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket.”

10. “Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole, clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve!”

11. “You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb a little himself.”

12. “You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.”

13. “Do not look for approval except for the consciousness of doing your best.”

14. “He that cannot reason is a fool. He that will not is a bigot. He that dare not is a slave.”

15. “I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise distribution.”

16. “Immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control affairs.”

17. “No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it.”

18. “Pioneering doesn’t pay.”

19. “Success can be attained in any branch of human labour.”

20. “The average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work.

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